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Willkommen im INKEY Blog. Hier teilen wir unser Wissen über Hautpflege mit Ihnen!

Let’s get into it: are you familiar with Exosomes in skincare? Know what they do––and most importantly, the power they have when it comes to skin? Whether you are or not quite, the at-home skincare game is about to change.

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Once a luxury clinic secret, exosome-powered skincare is now revolutionizing beauty. These tiny messengers boost collagen, reduce inflammation, and repair skin at a cellular level. Ready for the next big thing in anti-aging? Let’s dive in!

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Struggling with tight, dull, or sensitive skin? Your skincare routine might be missing essential hydration! This guide breaks down an easy, effective routine to restore moisture, strengthen your skin’s barrier, and bring back that healthy glow. Ready to give your skin the hydration it craves? Keep reading!

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Healthy, radiant skin starts with proper hydration—but do you know the difference between hydration and moisturization? While hydration replenishes water in the skin, moisturization locks it in to prevent dryness. If your skin feels tight, dull, or flaky, it may be craving a hydration boost! Discover how hydrating ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid can plump and refresh your skin, leaving it soft, bouncy, and glowing.

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Want skin that looks fresh, plump, and radiant? Hydration is the key! When your skin lacks water, it feels tight, looks dull, and fine lines become more visible. But with the right hydration routine, your skin stays smooth, bouncy, and ready to glow. From morning to night, discover how to keep your skin hydrated and protected for a complexion that always looks its best. Ready to give your skin the moisture it craves

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If you’re always keeping up to date with the latest skincare ingredients, you’ll likely have heard of Ectoin. It's dominating headlines and skincare routines right now, so let’s dive a little deeper and discover everything you need to know about Ectoin and why it’s the hottest ingredient around...

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There are a lot of myths and misconceptions around skin dryness which is not quite as simple as just a lack of water. Skin dryness is classified more as skin type as opposed to dehydration which is more of a skin state resulting from external factors and requires a different approach of care. Find out more and what INKEY products target dry and damaged skin.

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Is your skin feeling more dry, dull and dehydrated than usual? Are you suffering with increased sensitivity? Are you noticing your skin is breaking out? If so, you’re not the only one. Inconveniently, alongside the cozy nights and hot chocolate, winter brings the cold weather and lack of humidity which, for some people, can cause issues with their skin.

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Welcome to the art of mixing makeup with skincare, a new approach that gives you the best of both worlds - think maximizing your results with minimal effort.

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In this blog post, we’ll explore the different skin types and offer straightforward tips to help you identify your own.  Additionally, we’ll reveal the top recommended ingredients recommended for your personalized routine. 

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Let’s face it, dealing with blemishes can be frustrating, but with the right skincare products, you CAN effectively combat breakouts and achieve clearer, healthier skin. In this blog post, we will discuss several recommended product types.

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With so many options out there, it can be hard to know what products to use or what ingredients to look for. Let’s Make (sensitive) Skincare Simple, and start at the very beginning.

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To help you get the most out of this incredible ingredient, here are five important things to keep in mind before incorporating retinol into your routine.

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In this blog, we will share the science behind the ingredients and how to use sunscreen in your skincare recipe. We’ve also got you covered with tips how to re-apply on top of your makeup. 

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At The INKEY List, we believe that sunscreen is the most important step in skincare. And it's finally here! Our team at The INKEY List is excited to be bringing you the ultimate in skincare technology, so read on to learn more about what makes this product truly special! 

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At The INKEY List, People and Planet have always been at the heart of what we do and over the last two years we have been actively working towards becoming a certified BCORP and to create more moments of knowledge powered change.

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Did you know you could use some of INKEY’s most loved skincare products on your body too? We’re all about simplifying skincare so what better way than using multi-purpose products! Below are the top INKEY products to use on your body and hacks to incorporate in future self-care routines. 

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Unlike glass, buttery, or dolphin skin, which aims to make your complexion so luminous it could have been modeled from glass by the skin gods, cloud skin uses a strategic mix of skincare and makeup to achieve a dreamy and ethereal glow-from-within look. 

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The idea behind it is simple: active ingredients can penetrate the skin more effectively when it's hydrated. This simple technique involves applying back-to-back skin care products without letting them dry to achieve maximum absorption. 

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Glycolic Acid is an ingredient most people should be using in their skin and scalp care routines.

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Hyaluronic Acid has become one of the most sought-after skincare ingredients today and it's easy to see why. This ingredient is an essential addition to your daily routine.

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Retinol is a commonly used ingredient in skin care products world-wide, but why? It's all because of the many benefits found in this derivative of Vitamin A.

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Es ist nie zu spät, das Stück 0815-Seife in der Dusche nicht mehr für Ihr Gesicht zu verwenden und zu lernen, wie Sie Ihre Haut besser pflegen können. Wir vereinfachen das Verständnis und die Anwendung von Hautpflege.

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Es kann verwirrend sein, neue Wirkstoffe in Ihre Hautpflegeroutine einzubringen. Bei der Entscheidung darüber, was Ihre Routine enthalten soll, sollten Sie zuerst darauf achten, dass die von Ihnen gewählten Wirkstoffe Ihre Probleme behandeln oder Ihnen einen gewünschten Nutzen bieten. Zweitens müssen Sie die Wirkstoffmenge berücksichtigen, die für Sie und Ihre Bedürfnisse geeignet ist. Dieser kurze Leitfaden wurde zusammengestellt, damit Sie den für Sie richtigen Prozentsatz finden können.

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Azelainsäure ist ein vielseitiger Wirkstoff mit zahlreichen Vorteilen, die auf mehrere Hautprobleme ausgerichtet sind, und sich bei zu Unreinheiten, Rosazea und Rötungen neigender Haut als nützlich erwiesen haben. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Vorteile von Azelaic Acid, wie Sie sie verwenden und welche anderen Inhaltsstoffe Sie zur Verringerung von Hautrötungen verwenden können

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Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Inhaltsstoff sind, der gleichzeitig Feuchtigkeit spendet und abgestorbene Hautschuppen entfernt, ist Urea die Lösung für Sie. Wir bei The INKEY List glauben, dass dies der nächste Trendwirkungsstoff ist! Für diejenigen mit trockener oder rauer Haut oder diejenigen mit einer Neigung zu Ekzem oder Schuppenflechte, haben wir die Lösung. 

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Nachdem wir Ausbrüche unter Kontrolle haben, bleiben oft dunkle oder strukturierte Flecken zurück, die nach dem Auftreten von Unreinheiten auftreten. Erfahren Sie, was Akne-Narben sind, warum die Verwendung von Retinol helfen kann, und welche Stärke von Retinol Sie verwenden sollten.

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Nicht so bekannt wie Hyaluronsäure ist Polyglutaminsäure, von der angenommen wird, dass sie viermal mehr Feuchtigkeit speichern kann als Hyaluronsäure. Wenn Sie fahle, trockene oder dehydrierte Haut haben, sollten Sie erwägen, Polyglutamic Acid Serum in Ihr Hautpflegerezept aufzunehmen.

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